CAP Mentor at Chief Joseph Middle School CAP Match for Three Years What her student says: She’s very kind. Becky’s the best CAP pal ever. It’s very fun being with her! What her CAP Coordinator says: Becky, it is such a pleasure working with you! You always come in...
CAP Mentor at Hyalite Elementary School First year as a CAP match What her CAP Coordinator says: Congratulations on being one of our March 2017 Mentors in the Spotlight! We appreciate your commitment to your student and the CAP Program. Thank you for your dedication;...
CAP Mentor at Bozeman High School CAP Match for: 5 years What his student says: My CAP Mentor is one of the best mentors you can get. He always shows up whenever he can. He does a great job of helping me with my homework and if he doesn’t know how to do something, he...
CAP Mentor at Sacajawea Middle School CAP match for: 3 years What CAP Coordinators say: Jenny, congratulations on being our January mentor in the spotlight! I so enjoy catching up with you and your CAP student each Monday. You are so sweet and patient. Each...
CAP Mentor at Morning Star Elementary School CAP match: for 5 years What CAP Coordinator’s say: Gerrie, congratulations on being our January 2017 Mentor in the Spotlight! We appreciate your commitment to your student and our CAP Program. You have shown such...
What Thrivers say: “I saw Molly’s tenacity as a young girl in Girls for a Change. I could tell from early on how smart, capable, and independent she was. She always had something important to say and was able to be such a leader in the group. Then, lucky...