
Become a CAP Mentor

In just an hour a week, you can make a difference in the life of a local child.

Why Should I Become a CAP Mentor?

Here’s why you should become a CAP mentor:

  • It’s easy. Few volunteer opportunities can offer the kind of flexibility that CAP does. Mentors volunteer with the same student for an hour a week, only during the school year and during school hours. Our CAP Coordinators work hard to support you and make sure your volunteer time works with your schedule. Plus, you have the summer off!
  • Be part of something big. When you become a mentor, you join a network of over 600 local students and professionals that are united for a common cause. It’s a great way to meet like-minded community members and grow your network.
  • Make a real impact. As a Nationally-Registered Evidence-Based Program, you can rest assured that your CAP volunteer hours result in big gains for the student you mentor. Based on years of data and third-party research, CAP is now proven to improve academics, student attendance, and positively impact students’ participation in their school community.
***Please note, you must be at least 18 years old to be a CAP mentor.***

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

Mentors volunteer for one hour a week, during the school day (summers, holidays, and winter break are off!).

Our minimum commitment is one school year (two semesters), but we welcome and encourage matches to continue meeting year after year. Some of our matches have been together for over twelve years!

What is involved in the application process?

Student safety is our utmost priority, and Thrive carefully screens each mentor to ensure that they can be placed with a student. In order to become a volunteer, applicants must pass a criminal background check, as well as participate in a thirty minute interview. The screening process typically takes anywhere between 3-6 hours. The process helps us keep students safe and allows us to set up successful matches that are beneficial for students and mentors alike.

What training is provided?

First year mentors undergo a three-hour long mandatory training in Fall and Spring, both of which cover mentoring basics, school site expectations and strategies for working with a mentee. Mentors will sign up for training dates during their interview session.

What kind of support do volunteers receive?

CAP mentors receive ongoing support via their school’s CAP Coordinator. CAP Coordinators are experienced Thrive professionals who work with school staff and social work specialists to provide you with comprehensive support for the duration of your match.

Do you work with all age groups?

Yes, the CAP program supports Bozeman and Big Sky public school district students in grades K-12. If you have an interest in working with a certain age group, be sure to inform our team during your mentor interview.

Am I guaranteed to be matched with a student?

No, due to the sensitive nature of working with minors, we are unable to match all applicants with a mentee.

What is a 'school-based' program?

CAP is a ‘school-based’ program, which means that matches must remain on school grounds, unless the student is attending Bozeman High School (BHS has an ‘open campus’) and has specific parent permission to visit public locations within walking distance of the school with their mentor.

What kinds of things do matches do together?

Play chess. Conduct experiments. Shoot hoops. Listen to music. Work on homework. Apply for jobs. Get coffee. These are just a few of the things you can do with your CAP student, depending on their age group. Your CAP Coordinator will support you with activity ideas and individual student needs throughout your match.

How old do I have to be to mentor?

Mentors must be at least 18 years of age. Anyone aged 18 and over can apply! We welcome students, professionals, and retirees alike!

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