by Thrive | May 22, 2020 | Mentor in the Spotlight
CAP Mentors of the Year: Sherry & Daniel Biggerstaff Sherry and Daniel Biggerstaff are a dynamic CAP Mentor duo and have been an incredible source of support to our community, and to the 10, Bozeman Public School students they have mentored throughout their 8+...
by Thrive | Mar 3, 2020 | Mentor in the Spotlight
CAP Mentor at: Longfellow Elementary Nancy Planalp Mentor for: 4 years! Miss Fancy Nancy has been mentoring the same student for 4 years at Longfellow Elementary. Each week Miss Nancy comes in with a smile and a craft, making her student feel so appreciated and...
by Thrive | Mar 3, 2020 | Mentor in the Spotlight
CAP Mentor at: Longfellow Elementary Zach Brown Mentor for: 3 years! Zach has been a CAP mentor for the same student for 3 years! Zach is up for just about anything when it comes to spending time with his mentee. He will even head outside on a cold playground to play...
by Thrive | Feb 3, 2020 | Mentor in the Spotlight
CAP Mentor at: Bozeman High School Leigh Sturges Mentor for: 5 years! Leigh and Jalen have been matched together since 2015. The two of them have formed a friendship built on positivity and support. Leigh shows up to each meeting ready to be present, and each week...
by Thrive | Jan 1, 2020 | Mentor in the Spotlight
CAP Mentor at: Chief Joseph Middle School Dan Haydon Mentor for: 6 years! Dan has been a CAP Mentor for the same student for 6 years! He and his CAP Student like to take walks around the school to talk about friends, family, and dirt bikes! Over the years, Dan has...