
Thriving Parents

Parenting the Love and Logic Way

Join Thrive Liaisons to learn about the Love and Logic approach to parenting. 

Parenting the Love and Logic Way represents a "how to" approach to parenting.

A glimpse of what you will learn:

  • How to avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments
  • How to stay calm and empathetic when your kids do incredibly upsetting things
  • How to set enforceable limits
  • How to avoid enabling and begin empowering
  • How to help your kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them
  • How to raise kids who are family team members rather than demanding dictators

Besides teaching parenting classes, our Thrive Liaisons are available to work one-on-one with parents in a variety of situations.

Some of the other areas they coach include:

  • How to help your child have a growth mindset
  • Setting up routines for easier bedtimes and mornings
  • How to navigate screen time and the pressure for cell phones
  • Determining yours and your child's love language to promote a loving relationship
  • Coping with anxiety

Register for upcoming classes:

  • Thriving Sixths at Chief Joseph Middle School

    August 27 @ 7:45 am - 8:45 am

    A Free Workshop for parents of incoming sixth graders Give your child the edge in middle school Meet other parents Learn about resources available to students and parents Get tips…

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  • Thriving Sixths at Sacajawea Middle School

    August 27 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

    A Free Workshop for parents of incoming sixth graders Give your child the edge in middle school Meet other parents Learn about resources available to students and parents Get tips…

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