
(Bozeman, MT)­ Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D, bestselling author and internationally recognized lecturer and parent educator, will give a free parenting seminar at Hope Lutheran Church on Wednesday, April 27th. The event, geared towards parents with children ages 2­6, is provided by local non­profit Thrive as part of their bi­annual parenting series which provides local families with tools for raising successful children.

Kurcinka’s workshop, entitled “Challenging Child Behaviors” covers questions that have likely crossed every parent’s mind: ● How do you respond when your child shouts, “You can’t make me!” or refuses to take “no” for an answer? ● What do you do when everyday activities turn into battles no one wins? ● How do you intervene when your child is fighting with siblings and peers?

Join Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka to discover how to build a relationship that keeps your child working with you, even during the tough times and effective strategies to help you and your child keep your cool and work together. Known for her real­life examples, Dr. Mary links research-­based information with typical challenging behaviors and provides practical solutions which really work. Her presentations have helped hundreds of thousands of parents and professionals to understand children better, and themselves as well. Recently, Kurcinka has earned a spot on Amazon’s Top 25 Parent Education authors list.

Her books have been translated into sixteen languages. Dr. Kurcinka has appeared on Good Morning America, National Public Radio, Fox Morning News and many other national and local television programs. Her work has also been featured in the New York Times, Parenting Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Parent Magazine, Working Mother, First for Women and many other publications. Register for the Challenging Child Behaviors workshop online at www.allthrive.org/event/springinstitute or by calling Thrive at 406-­587-­3840.