
June Mentor in the Spotlight: Meghan Costle

CAP Mentor at: Morning Star Elementary

CAP Mentor for: 5 years!

Meghan has been with her CAP Student for 5 years! They started their CAP Match when he was in kindergarten. Meghan is an incredibly dependable and supportive Mentor. She knows her student well and together they tackle a lot of school work and have a great time.

Sadly, Meghan is moving away from Bozeman to a new community and we are truly not sure what we will do without her — next year will not be the same for any of us.

We wish Meghan the very best in her new endeavors and will look forward to her stopping in for a visit.

Thank you for all that you have done for Thrive’s CAP Mentor program and your CAP Student, Meghan! We will miss you!