
February Mentors in the Spotlight: Allison Banfield & Cori Huttinga

CAP Mentors at: Irving Elementary

Allison Banfield

Mentor for: 9 Years!


Allison Banfield has been a CAP mentor for nine school years! Allison became a CAP Mentor because she likes kids and was curious about what was happening in the schools since her own son was older and no longer school-aged. She has mainly mentored at Irving School, and feels that one of the benefits of mentoring is that working with kids keeps you young. Allison has been matched with her current CAP Mentee for three years! Together, they enjoy playing games, making art and reading. Allison enjoys watching her CAP Mentees grow up and would recommend mentoring to anyone. In fact, she recruited our other mentor in the spotlight for this month, Cori Huttinga.

Cori Huttinga

Mentor for: 8 years!

Cori Huttinga has mentored for eight school years! Cori says that it’s fun to have a friendship with a young student, and to hopefully make a positive impact in their life (CAP Coordinator note: Cori definitely DOES!). She has been matched with three kids over the eight years and has sometimes wondered “Who is mentoring whom?” as she engages in great conversations with her Mentees. She has also been matched with her current CAP Mentee for three years and they tend to play a variety of games together over the lunch period, and sometimes have fun pairing up with other CAP Matches on an activity. Cori would absolutely encourage others to try mentoring in the CAP program.

Thank you Allison and Cori for all that you do for our community!