
February Mentor in the Spotlight: Ann Dickensheets

CAP Mentor at: Irving School

CAP Mentor for: 5 years!

Ann is truly the CAP Mentor that every child should have. After 2 years of previous CAP Mentoring experience, Ann has been with her current CAP Student for 3 years, changing schools this year just to be able to stay matched with her student!

Ann and her CAP Student love to read and have read several books together over the years. They also love doing crafts together and have created some amazing projects during their Mentoring time each week. Ann always comes to CAP with wonderful ideas and all of the supplies needed for a successful Mentoring hour. Together, they have created some wonderful things throughout the years, but above all: Ann and her CAP Student have created a magical friendship.

Ann’s CAP Student says:

Thanks for all that you do for your CAP Student, Ann!