
Thrive Programs

Word Play

In Montana, 1 in 3 children enter kindergarten
each year without reading-readiness skills.

Thrive is one of the only community organizations offering free developmental screenings and early childhood education resources in both Spanish and English for families with kids in their early childhood years.

Did You Know?

Thrive invented Word Play, a technique to support kindergarten readiness initiatives- which are more important than ever based on recent data about nationwide literacy concerns post-pandemic. We now work closely with BSD7 to expand our reach in the community.

In partnership with:

What is Word Play?

Get Your Child Ready to Read

  • entirely free for toddlers and preschoolers
  • 8 weekly home visits targeting the skills your child needs to be a successful reader in kindergarten
  • activities include read-alouds, arts and crafts, and sensory bins
  • one-on-one playtime with your child
  • weekly book bag delivery
Interested? Please Contact:

Children were enrolled in the Word Play Program

Lacey Bertram

Early Childhood Programs Manager

Parent Place Sponsors

Thrive as an organization would not exist without the generous support of many individuals and partners who donate their time, materials and energy to this cause. Here are a few local businesses that continue to deserve our gratitude.

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