CAP Mentor at Sacajawea Middle School

CAP match for: 3 years

jenny sheets cap mentor certificate


What CAP Coordinators say:

Jenny, congratulations on being our January mentor in the spotlight!  I so enjoy catching up with you and your CAP student each Monday.  You are so sweet and patient.  Each time I check in, you have a big project on your hands.  Whether it’s reading books to each other, running around and learning about clocks, or just catching up as good friends, I am always impressed by your dedication. You are supportive and kind. You’re a true bright light in our CAP program.  Thank you for always being there.  You are making a difference in this student’s life!

What her student says:

Dear Jenny,

You are the awesomest CAP I ever have had.  You help me a lot with my homework at school.  I really like when you come on Monday’s.  You make me smile when I see you!  You are my friend.

What her teacher says:

Jenny is an amazing CAP mentor.  She truly cares for her student.  She is loving and firm and consistent. She helps with homework, skills and the emotional needs of her student.  She knows her student very well and has been committed to her for several years. Their relationship is very valuable and she is making a huge different in her student’s life.  We are grateful for her.