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Power change in your local community

Want to Support Children and Families While Gaining Brand Awareness?

Foundations for the Future

In light of the community’s rapid growth, lingering effects of the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and youth mental health crisis, Thrive has established its first ever industry specific fundraising campaign entitled, “Foundations for the Future.” Its goal is to engage our friends in the construction field in our effort to provide sustainable funding for our programs during this challenging time. Thrive and the building sector are working to create better futures for those we serve, one solid foundation at a time, just in slightly different ways. As the building industry works diligently to keep pace with our community’s infrastructure demands, Thrive supports the people’s infrastructure by providing opportunities for positive, generational change in the lives of Gallatin Valley residents. This campaign will fund all the programs we offer, helping to ensure that our strategic plans to grow CAP, Parent Liaison, Spanish-Speaking services, and early childhood programming through Parent Place are fulfilled. Currently, OSM Construction is providing a match to those businesses that join them in the campaign.

 2024 Foundations for the Future Sponsorship Benefits

Keeping Kids Our of the Middle

We have witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of chronic parental conflict on children’s emotional well-being, academic performance, and future relationships and have embarked upon a campaign to support families through separation and transition with industry experts, The Parent Team. The Parent Team’s mission is to provide crucial resources to families in our community who are navigating the challenging process of divorce and transition.That’s why the Parent Team’s online course has been widely recognized for its exceptional curriculum and proven outcomes. Its reputation is expanding beyond Montana, and we are proud to be partnering with them. Our goal is offer these resources for FREE to any family in the Bozeman School District. The key to reaching every family in need lies in Thrive’s Parent Liaison, which will distribute these valuable resources within schools based on identified needs.

Donate Through Montana Shares

Montana Shares is a partnership of Montana-based nonprofit groups devoted to improving the quality of life in the communities throughout the state. They achieve this mission by providing work-place giving opportunities for local and state-wide businesses and organizations. Thrive is a participating member and available to receive donations via payroll deductions through Montana Shares. If you would like more information, please contact Brittany Eilers at or visit

Employer Matching Gifts

Many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees. You may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift! Check with your Human Resources department to see if your employer has a matching gift program.

Partner with Thrive by connecting with our Executive Director Virginia.

Virginia Hanson

Executive Director

Our Generous Sponsors

Our work is made possible by the many individuals and partners in our community who donate their time, materials and energy to to the cause. Here are a few local businesses that continue to deserve our gratitude.

Grace Jones Richardson Trust

Penny Hatten