About Us
The Thrive Story
Our Model for Success

Strong Families

Successful Children

Our Thriving Community

Strong Families

Successful Children

Our Thriving Community
Thrive is a community-based organization established in 1986. Each year Thrive serves over 6,000 parents, children and community members through our four signature programs.
Thrive provides mentoring, education, and support for children and families so that everyone in our community has the tools they need to be successful. Our proven programs have been developed using evidence-based practices, adapted to meet local community needs, and rigorously evaluated to ensure program efficacy.
Thrive has developed critical community partnerships built on sharing design, implementation, management, evaluation, financial resources, and responsibilities for programs. This approach, which has the success of the child at its center, results in the highest quality services, maximizes scarce resources, and has a powerful impact on outcomes for children.
Our Core Values
Thrive’s programs are designed around our core beliefs:
Early Start
The road to success begins in the earliest years with children who are born healthy and raised in stable, safe and nurturing families.
Strong Foundation
Healthy child development is the foundation for community and economic development.
Prevention is Key
Creating the right conditions for early growth and development are more effective and less costly than addressing problems that develop later.
Holistic Approach
Children live in the context of their families, and services are most effective when they focus on the entire family rather than the child alone.
Working Together
We can best create positive outcomes for children when systems, organizations and communities work collaboratively to support families and children.
Building Community
When families are strong, children are successful and communities thrive.
Our History
Thrive is founded

Jan. 1st, 1989
Child Advancement Project
Thrive designs and implements the award-winning Child Advancement Project — an in-school mentoring program available in all elementary, middle and high schools in Bozeman and Big Sky.

Jan. 1st, 1994
Parent Liaison launched
In partnership with our local school district, we began to provide Parent Liaison services in all elementary and middle schools in the district. Parent Liaisons act as a link between the home and school to ensure strong communication and relationship building that promotes the common goal: successful students.

Jan. 1st, 1995
Partnership Project launches
Thrive partners with other local agencies to provide intensive in-home prevention services to very high-risk families through the “Partnership to Strengthen Families” project.
Jan. 1st, 1997
Parent Place opens it's doors in Bozeman
Thrive opened the Bozeman Parent Place Family Resource Center, a comfortable and non-threatening environment with parenting literature and videos, computer and internet access, parenting classes, support groups and play groups available to all parents in our community.

April, 2012
CAP Mentoring Program Added to National Registry of Evidence Based Programs & Practices

April, 2015
Thrive Adopts National Program "Girls on the Run" to Offer to Gallatin and Park County
Girls on the Run is a life-changing program for 8- to 13-year-old girls that promotes girl empowerment by teaching life skills through lessons and running.

April, 2015
Partnership Project Home Visiting Model Published in National Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences
“Even though children in the two programs made very similar amounts of progress, children in the Thrive Partnership Program were significantly more likely to show progress in communication, gross motor, fine motor, and personal/social development than children in the PHHV Program.”

June, 2016
Thrive Parent Liaison Model Featured at 2016 National Family & Community Engagement Conference

Nov., 2016
Thrive Celebrates 30 Years!

Jan., 2019
Thrive Becomes a National Blue Ribbon Affiliate for the Parents as Teachers Curriculum
To help ensure that Parents as Teachers affiliates are achieving fidelity to the Parents as Teachers model and facilitate continuous quality improvements – and children and families are thereby receiving the highest quality services possible – Parents as Teachers developed the Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process. Thrive completed a comprehensive self-study and review process that demonstrated we exceed the Parents as Teachers Essential Requirements.

Dec., 2020
Thrive Launches "A Place to Thrive" - A Capital Campaign to Secure a Permanent Location for Thrive
After 35 years, Thrive launches the first ever capital project due to the extraordinary generosity of an anonymous donor who offered a two to one match up to $750k, giving Thrive a $1.5M platform in which to launch this project.
Mar. 2021
Thrive is Awarded Prestigious Innovations Grant
Thrive is honored and excited to announce that we are a recipient of the Innovations Grant through the University of Montana’s Center for Children, Families, and Workforce Development.
This funding will be used to expand and bolster our Parent Place services. Thrive will be building on current partnerships as well as creating new support networks for local children and their parents. While Thrive has always been available for a continuum of services for families, through this project we will expand our visibility, and test multiple avenues for increased service delivery.
This opportunity also allows us to build on our vision of an Early Childhood Learning Lab with expanded early intervention services that include developmental screenings for children 0-5, in depth development and literacy support, and enhanced parenting classes and referral.

Apr., 2021
Thrive Closes on the Red Chair Building
Due to our incredibly generous donor base helping to unlock our $1.5M match, Thrive closes on the Red Chair.

Aug., 2021
Thrive Hires Full Time Spanish-Speaking Liaison
Thrive recognized the need for extra support for the growing number of Spanish-Speaking families in the district. Thrive’s newest Liaison will work with Spanish-Speaking families from all schools.